Saturday, February 19, 2011

Diary of a New Mom

For those of you who follow our blog, you may remember that about a year ago, I posted a marathoner’s diary about a marathon that I ran in Taiwan. Well, a year later, I find myself in a completely new type of marathon… new mother of twins. I thought it only appropriate to post a diary about this harrowing experience as well.

8:00 PM

Attempt to have “last feeding” of the day. Both twins fed, go to brush my teeth and get ready for bed. Ha.

8:10 PM

Twin #1 decides it isn’t time for bed yet and gets a little fussy. Wondering if maybe she didn’t eat enough at her last feeding and try to feed again. Soothing / feeding for an hour.

9:30 PM

Twin #1 goes down.

10:00 PM

Twin #2 wakes up ready to eat. Feed twin #2 and try to put her down.

11:00 PM

Twin #2 doesn’t want to go down. Wondering if she ate enough at her last feeding. Doesn’t seem interested in eating so try to rock her to sleep.

11:15 PM

Twin #2 goes down.

11:30 PM

Twin #2 begins to scream.

11:45 PM

Twin #2 goes down.

12:00 AM

Twin #2 begins to scream.

12:30 AM

Twin #2 goes down.

1:00 AM

Twin #1 wakes up ready to eat. Feed and soothe twin #1. Debate waking up twin #2 in order to eat and perhaps get her back on the same schedule as twin #1 since it has been a couple hours since she ate last. Wish that babies had a fuel gauge to tell me how much food they had in their bellies.

1:45 AM

Wake up twin #2 to eat.

1:46 AM

Regret waking up twin #2 to eat.

2:30 AM

Twin #1 fed and asleep. Soothe and put down twin #2.

3:00 – 5:00 AM

Sleep, glorious, glorious sleep for mom and grandma.

There are two lessons that I took away from this night. Number one, motherhood is one of the most demanding but by far the very best experience I have ever had. Number two, there is no way in the world that I could do this without my own mom here with me at each and every feeding providing an extra pair of hands, moral support, and some much needed comic relief when I am at my wits’ end. So, I would like to raise my proverbial glass to all moms out there and give you a shout out of appreciation. Go have a glass of wine (or three). You deserve it.


The Stinson Family said...

Wow! Hard to even imagine! You are awesome

junia said...

Rockstar! That sounds crazy.

stephanie g said...

You're amazing!!

Tori said...

1:46 is my favorite. I love you! You are doing so great.